When you don’t have the codes or keys you can’t open anything. When you don't have divine authority from the God of Abraham, Isacc, and Jacob, (The God of The Covenant ...who made and will fulfill the promise through His authorized agents) you can't access or change anything.
When you're locked out of revelation and knowledge in Gods realm you have nothing left to access but demons and the defeated gods of this worlds 'accuracy'.
It’s almost impossible to find out let alone fully walk out your Jeremiah 29:11 without first unearthing the template that Jesus left for us that the Holy Spirit confirms. It all begins with '...you must be born again...' John Chapter 3. Jesus made it clear that you can't even see the kingdom unless you're born again.
This is important to note. You must ask yourself ,' What is it that God is trying to tell us about sight and seeing?
The reason why they cannot see your vision is because they are not born and divinely connected by GOD to that vision.
The reason why they can't support you in that vision is because God did not attach them to that vision. So they can't see the plans of the Lord for that vision.
The new birth gives us both divine eyesight as well as insight when we are properly aligned to the covenant. There is no revelation without heavens information...so be ye informed.
Jesus came as the last Adam to put in place the divine reset for the elect to do divine exploits and to make it back home to Gods world.
Even as I write God is changing out powers and seats of power and judging aka resetting in all realms and spheres. Because what we call judging is what God calls reset.
reset; resetting
reset type
This is why devils and their human agents hate judging and judgments that are issued by heaven via scripture and carried out by The Lords human ambassadors. Because that means they are put in their appropriate place and stripped of their demonic Antichrist powers and doctrines. We (The Lords Prophets & Apostles) are Gods hands and feet in the earth.
We live in a era where we want to be loyal to flesh more than loyal to our King. We've invited in soothsayers (knowingly and unknowingly) and false prophets who bring in 'acurracy' with no power and still we're wondering why we're being judged and our prophecies have failed and not come to pass. The tragedy is that some of the generational leaders God TRUSTED TO OBEY HIM...have not...and have placed the care of (and gave an ear to the faulty advice) to the false and misleading who come with false Prophetics(that they can't discern) but yet gave them seats of power and now your people (are struggling) why? They are now being raised in churches full of soothe sayer's ...with the chief whose PYTHOS spirit can function in the realm of the psychic, (reading desires) and parts of the future (that heaven has already released) BUT YET fail at the most important part of a true authentic Prophet of The Most High Gods duty which is making converts to Jesus Christ and have access to Gods archives.
We want our mail read…but reject alignment with scripture in regards to our living.
I had someone once to tell me they wanted me to invite someone to my conference because they can tell everybody everything that happened to them down to the detail ...they can read their mail. They can tell them what they did yesterday, the day before that, and then years before that, and my response to that was if they can't give the way to salvation, I don't want them here. If God hasn't given them access to heavens archives I don't want them here. The office of a prophet and apostle is more than a see and say, or a yell and tell.
Acts 13 is a template for identifying and dealing with familiar spirits, soothsayers, witches, and witchcraft all done in the name of God and for their god. In essence, all an unauthorized agent can do is see and say ...they have no backing from heaven to produce. This is why they can't produce. This is why when they did produce Heaven stopped it to show you the difference.
When you don’t have the codes or keys you can’t open anything. Remember a key component to the Lords, Prophets and ambassadors are divine backing and the ability to produce. If you have someone in your organization that you have in a leadership role that cannot produce, and does not have the divine access yet you are having them in a seat of power, then this is the reason why God is not answering your prayer. Remove the unauthorized so that God can fulfill His promise to you. It's all about divine access and the ability to produce. And not just produce anything, but produce the unique pattern that God has set in your soul ...to those who have an ear, let them hear with the spirit of the Lord is saying. It's time to turn souls and nations back to God.
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